Tuesday, 2 August 2011

Managing The Heat Whilst Managing Your Budget

So, this post may contradict my previous post a little, but I did think it rather necessary. Whilst I am a firm believer in investment purchases, we don't always have the time, inclination and quite frankly, the budget, for that to always be a reality.

As well as this, I am also finding this sudden burst of heat a little difficult to deal with. We don't really get 'summer' in England and so my body is rather confused about that last 10 days of beautiful sunshine we've been enjoying. Talk about acclimatising, I don't think I've ever experienced so much hot weather, I don't know how to acclimatise! I've basically been sitting in the garden in the shade all day as it's the only place I can find where there's a reasonable temperature. Talk about never being happy with what you've got...

Anyway, I've decided to embrace this beautiful sunshine, and I've put together some perfect summer pieces. I really love to wear colour during summer, and I also love to accessorise and clash prints. There is always something more fun about these months and so I want to take advantage of that through this post. It's also important to try and not frazzle away, so I've shown how you can still look good whilst wearing light-weight fabrics in sumptuous colours.
Useful TIP: try to stay away from dark colours like black or grey as this will absorb the heat and make you hotter. Wearing lighter colours like white will reflect it so you can keep your cool.

I also think it's important to not go too overboard when it comes to the cost of summer clothes. The sun is rarely out for long here and so I see no point in dropping a fortune on pieces that will hardly get any use. Therefore, all these pieces are purse friendly whilst not compromising on style or trends. Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. There are some great pieces here! It can be hard to balance out shopping and your checking account - I know I find myself in the struggle all the time. I love the white tie button down and that sheer red floral tank. Oh so adorable. That green belt is also a fun pop of color! Wonderful suggestions!

