Friday, 4 May 2012

Simple Ensemble

 H&M tee and blazer, American Apparel leggings, Asos clutch, Converse

Today was the day of my final final which means exams are over and I have my life back. It's kind of a daunting feeling, no more uni ever again, EVER. It's also kinda scary. To document this very happy day I've chosen a simple ensemble that was comfortable for my 8am start and 3 hour exam but stylish enough for a bit of a celebration afterwards. 

Wearing all black is always chic and the perfect option when you want to look sophisticated but really all you have time for is to throw on an outfit and run. Make sure you add some colour through your accessories to give your outfit a lift; I'm really in to oversized clutches at the moment as they're super chic but relaxed enough for the day time. Now that exams are over I'm looking forward to dedicating a little more time to HSW, I'm sure you've noticed that I've been somewhat absent of late.
Until next time catch up with me on Twitter and Pinterest


  1. I think the clutch and the blazer are my favorite pieces of this ensemble!

  2. Love the blazer and clutch!
